Projects & Jobs

I always seek highly motivated students and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in nonlinear dynamics, complex systems theory, mathematical biology or biophysics.
I welcome engineers, mathematicians and physicists alike who wish to pursue problems in complex dynamical systems, mathematical modeling and analysis with applications in biology and technology.

(Hover over to see inter-species
collaboration in the Martens lab ... )

BSc and MSc Projects

Various projects at BSc/MSc level are possible revolving around, e.g., Example projects: Methods include: dynamical systems theory, applied math, bifurcation theory, perturbation methods, network/graph theory, anlytical mechanics, theoretical physics.

If you are interested in carrying out a BSc or MSc project in my lab, please contact me at the address below.

PhD and PostDoc

Funding for PhD/Postdoc projects can be attained via various funding programmes at University / National / EU level.
Excellent candidates who are interested in a Ph.D. or postdoctoral position should send me
a CV with contact information for three references (letters of recommendation from these references should be sent separately).

2010 Erik (technique by Sven)